校長的話 Principal’s Message



《教育改革齊努力 奮鬥創新添色彩


《群策群力同享 師生攜手創未來》




Time flies. In the blink of an eye, I have worked in Regina Coeli Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten for more than 40 years. From being the director to the principal, the school growth is also my growth. First of all , I would like to thank Chancellor Tam, the school board for their support and trust in me, and often give us encouragement and supervision in our work. Continuous updates on the equipment, revision of the curriculum, and keeping the pace of the society, make students learning content richer and more interesting.


“Education reform Makes Efforts to Innovate and Add Color”

With the rapid development and change of Hong Kong, pre-school education has also undergone changes to varying degrees, including but not limited to activity teaching, biliteracy and trilingualism, quality assurance inspections, enhancement of teachers’ professional qualifications, and the current Free and high-quality kindergarten education has been overwhelming. In spite of the physical and mental exhaustion, being able to witness the achievements of today’s students, all the hardships have left behind. It is the mission of teachers to nurture young children. We must stick to our posts and create a better world for children!


“Collaboration and Sharing of Teachers and Students to create the future “

Thank you to all the teachers and staff of this kindergarten for their concerted efforts, united and dedicated, everyone is child-centered, dedicated, work regardless of you or me, give full play to team spirit, work hard and not afraid of hardships, I would also like to thank all the parents for their love, support and trust in our kindergarten. With the cooperation and assistance of our parents, we are very happy and successful in our work. We are convinced that with a new and appropriate curriculum, professional and caring teachers, a joyful and ideal learning environment, and the sincere cooperation between home and school, healthy children will be nurtured, and together they will move towards high-quality early childhood education.