家校協作 PTO Co-operation

本園家長教師校友會成立至今已第十二屆,委員會是由一群熱心的家長及教師組成。每年均舉辦多項親子活動,例如: 萬聖節嘩鬼大派對、親子競技同樂日、親子一天遊、專題講座、親子圖書閱讀獎計劃、關愛大行動、新春盆菜宴、賀年揮春工作坊、利是封吊飾創作工作坊等。有效提升親子關係,促進家校合作。

Our parent and teacher association has been established for 12 years. The committee consists of a group of warm-hearted parents and teachers. Every year, many parent and child activities are held, for example, A halloween party, sports day, one-day tour, lecture, reading program, fund raising campaigns, Poon Choi banquet, Hanging Decorations and Red Couplets Writing Workshops etc. These activities help us build a stronger parent-child bonding and facilitate the parent-teacher cooperation.